We inspire and release hidden value in

people and groups

​Hidden Value Group, LLC

Article on burnout for Pastors, Physicians, Chaplains and any first responder professional.  

Read "When More Is Not Enough" by Dr. Jeff Jernigan 

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 Turning Placeholders into Difference Makers

Bringing out the hidden value in people and groups is often the key to turning placeholders into difference makers. The Hidden Value Group offers several services designed to discover, assess, and unleash that hidden value.

Matching people to roles and functions maximizes motivation in life and bottom-line results in work. Team building, communication and organizational assessment are other training applications as well.

We provide training for groups of all sizes designed to develop an appetite for reality, openness to new solutions, and an engaging powerful humility in and out of the workplace. Managing the power of ego in order to transform jobholders into difference makers.

Jeff and his wife Nancy make their home in southern California with three grown children living throughout the U.S. and a current count of grandchildren at 7.

​​We provide solutions that bring healing, health & hope to the world

through education, healthcare & leadership development

The Hidden Value Group consults with faith-based non-profit & healthcare organizations as well as churches in need of healing, health and hope in the middle of transitions, conflict or growth with a focus on leadership development, corporate strategy, health and executive search.  We bring solutions to corporations in need. 


In addition, we equip physicians and other healthcare providers to deal with the rigors of their professions.

The Hidden Value Group is a networked organization consisting of a group of faith-based non-profit and for-profit companies who together provide education, healthcare, Christian materials, humanitarian aid and funding for short term projects designed to bring healing, health, and hope to those in need or who care for others.  Working closely with churches worldwide and developing a sustaining presence. 


For Profit Members:
Hidden Value Group - HR/OD consulting, Healthcare/Mental Health,  Leadership Development Consulting 
Stanton Chase – Retrained Executive Search - Healthcare and higher education Consulting


Non-Profit Members: 
Olive Branch International – Government & Military Agencies - Healthcare, Education and Humanitarian Aid.
Marketplace Ministries Worldwide:  Civil & Municipal Agencies –Business as Mission
Hidden Treasure Coaching & Consulting – Group, marriage and individual coaching.  


Corporate Partners:
Personal Wellness Corporation

Wellness Council of America - WELCOA
The Barnabas Group
Global Mosaic


Jeff Jernigan, PhD has served as pastor, missionary, counselor, hospital administrator and human resources professional for more than thirty years. Author of TILT: Small Shifts in Leadership that Make a Big Difference, and The Power of a Loving Man: 13 Keys to Setting Your Heart Free.  Jeff has served in thirty-eight countries around the world as a leading executive in missions as well as the corporate business world. Other books by Jeff include The Six-Figure Job Hunting Handbook (Crown Books) and Leadership with Panache and he has contributed to a number of Bible Studies in the Life Changers series. Success in ministry, job, coaching, career life planning, marriage and family issues, men’s issues, and character development are just a few of the topics Jeff has addressed to audiences ranging from small groups to stadiums.


Nancy Jernigan, PhD has inspired and trained many internationally through a blend of experiences including corporate marketing, executive search and leadership development as she trains organizations to grow and build effective healthy teams in the middle of a changing cultural landscape.  She has a proven track record of building leaders, teaching leadership development, discipleship and character development.  She has been involved in many small groups ministries as well as women's ministries as a pastor, Bible teacher and generational leader developing leaders of all ages. 

As a speaker, Nancy is in demand both for small group appearances, large church events and leadership development and corporate settings. Comfortable with audiences of any size, Nancy communicates with a vulnerability and transparency that is winsome and underscores the genuine character of her message. A consummate motivator and disciple-maker, Nancy enjoys influencing influencers.


Those We Serve 


St. Joseph Health System / MultiCare Health System / Trinity Health System / Florida Health System / Glendale Adventist Hospital / St. Thomas Health System / Providence Hospital / Ascension Health System / St. Mary Medical Center / Sacred Heart Health System / St. Jude Hospital / St. Vincent Hospital / Our Lady of the Lakes Hospital / Catholic CEO Healthcare Forum / Wellness Coalition of America -WELCOA / Physician Well-Being Coalition /


The Barnabas Group / Cure International / Focus on the Family / Christianity Today, Inc / Zondervan Publishing / Group Publishing / Baker Books / United Methodist Publishers / Azusa Pacific Seminary Friends Leadership Board / Open Doors / Jews for Jesus / FaithSearch Partners / CRU - Campus Crusade / New Life Christian Counseling Network /  Wellness Council of America -WELCOA / Christian Leadership Alliance / Global Mosaic / Nest Entertainment 


Saddleback Community Church / Highland Park Methodist Church / First Presbyterian Church of Houston / Second Presbyterian Church in Bloomington, IL / First Congregational Church Redlands, CA / Evangelical Friends Church Southwest / Corona Friends Church / Prairie Lutheran Church / Ward Evangelical Presbyterian, Northville, MI / 


​Ministry of Defense, Moldova / Ministry of Health, Moldova / Ministry of Defense, Ukraine / Ministry of Health, Sierra Leone / Ministry of Education, Mozambique / Ministry of Education, Uganda / State Department, Department of Defense / VA / Riverside County Courts / CA Department of Mental Healthy Services / CA Department of Probation.​

​​The Hidden Value Group Members

 Olive Branch International  - OBI


Hidden Treasure Coaching & Consulting - HTCC


Stanton Chase Los Angeles Executive Search 


​See more details below.

The Hidden Value Group