We inspire and release hidden value in
people and groups
Hidden Value Group, LLC
Hidden Value Group
Manuscript Proposal
Hidden Value Group specializes in representing previously published Christian authors. If you have been previously published (not including self-publishing) please include the following in your submission:
a) One or Two page summary of your manuscript including a complete description of the manuscript, the
target audience and a positioning statement that differentiates you from the rest.
b) Biography – Summarize your background, experience and include speaking experience and any book sales history.
c) Marketing summary - Include how you will help support the marketing of your project. Include all social media numbers, social media platforms, radio, print and TV marketing.
d) A summary of each chapter. A concise summary in one or two paragraphs.
e) Sample chapters - submit 2 or 3 sample chapters.
f) A summary of previous works sales history
Please include all this information to make sure your submission fits our necessary guidelines.
If we would like to see more we will request further sample chapters as well.
We are currently interested in receiving proposals in a variety of genres such as family/parenting/marriage, inspirational,
self-help, men’s and women’s issues, business and fiction.No poetry or short stories.
Due to the volume of submissions we receive we are unable to respond to all mail and email inquiries. No phone queries please.